The Capital Region Partnership for Regional Invasive Species
Management (PRISM), is hosted by the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Saratoga
County. The PRISM is financially supported through the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation via the Environmental Protection
Fund. We are a not for profit
quasi-government agency. Our office is staffed with a full time
Terrestrial, Aquatics, and Head Coordinator. Our seasonal staff includes part
time educators and paid interns from affiliated colleges and universities in
the Capital Region.
The Capital Region PRISM
provides services in eleven counties in the New York State Capital
and portions of
the Capital Region PRISM functions include, but are not limited to:
Coordinating partner efforts regarding invasive species management
Recruiting and training citizen volunteers with woods walks, workshops, and iMap Invasive trainings
Delivering education and outreach to government agencies, non-for profits, and private entities
Establishing early detection and monitoring networks for invasive species
Implementing eradication and control efforts
Develop and implement effective restoration methods for areas that have been degraded by invasive species and where suppression or control has taken place
Provide and deliver Memorandums of Understanding (MOU’s) for work to be executed on behalf of the PRISM for partners in need
We are a partnership made up of representatives from state
agencies, non-profit organizations, and citizens concerned with the spread of
invasive species throughout New York State.
Click here for a full list of our partners If you are interested in
partnering with our organization, contact us.
Watch the newest webinar from the New York SInvasive Species Research Institute:
iMapInvasives is an online mapping tool that supports efforts to protect New York State from the threat of invasive species. Learn about the program and become trained to contribute data by attending an iMapInvasives training session!
the website of the New York Invasive Species Clearinghouse and the
Cornell Cooperative Extension Invasive Species Education Program (CCE
ISP). NYIS.INFO is your gateway to science-based information, breaking
news, and innovative tools for coping with biological invaders in New
York. NYIS.INFO links scientists, local, state and federal resource
manages, policy setters, educators, and grassroots efforts to help you
become part of the battle against invasive species in New York.