
Teen Driver Safety

Nationally, more drivers 16-20 are killed in motor vehicle crashes than from any other reason. We average 35 young drivers injured every hour and 7 killed every day in a motor vehicle crash. 16-20 year olds are 3 times more likely to be involved in a motor vehicle crash than any other age driver. CCE offers programs to Saratoga County Schools that use positive, real life hands on education promoting “Good Decisions Behind the Wheel.”

We offer 1, 2 or 3 day programs with assemblies, individual classes, hands on experiences with gold carts and fatal vision goggles, texting simulator, texting pledge banners and many more activities. CCE partners with local and state police to bring their rollover simulator, seatbelt convincer as well as conducting real life sobriety check points. Local fire departments also bring crashed cars demonstrating how the jaws of life are used in a crash. CCE is committed to reducing injury and saving the lives of our young drivers and their passengers with our programs of education, parent and school involvement and hands on real life experiences. CCE also has put together a “Crisis Team” should a motor vehicle tragedy occur at your school. We have a team of professionals and victims ready at a moment’s notice to offer your students, teachers and parents help in dealing with death due to a motor vehicle crash. If you would like a program at your school or you are in need of the Crisis Team, please call our teen driver safety educator at 518-885-8995 x 228.


Cindy Dort
Occupant Protection Instructor
518-885-8995 ext. 2228

Last updated November 7, 2019