

What's Bugging You? -Top 5 rodent exclusion tips | Feeding Friendly Insects: Get ready to plant

  • Friday, September 5, 2025, 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Excluding rodents from your home can feel like a big job. Here are 5 actions to prioritize this fall. And, it's almost time for fall planting! Learn how to make final preparations to plant wildflowers that feed friendly insects.

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About our "What's Bugging You?" series
Each month at New York State Integrated Pest Management's "What's Bugging You? First Friday" events, experts share practical information and answer questions on using integrated pest management (IPM) to avoid pest problems and promote a healthy environment where you live, work, learn and play. We end with an IPM Minute, and cover a specific action you can take in the next few days to help you avoid pest problems.

Last updated December 5, 2024