
Leaders Scholarships Available for 2024

2024 4-H Scholarship Forms

June 1, 2024 

Dear High School Seniors and College Freshmen,
Whether you looking ahead to college, trade school, or other forms of further education, we hope this is an exciting experience for you, and that your time in 4-H has helped prepare you for success! Continuing your education past high school includes a large financial commitment by you and your parents. In recognition of this financial commitment and wanting to recognize outstanding members in 4-H, three groups within the 4-H Program in Saratoga County have made six scholarships available. These scholarships recognize the accomplishments and participation of 4-H members.
The scholarship descriptions and eligibility requirements are listed on the next page. Applicants should submit a resume and cover letter which covers at minimum the information in the “Application Requirements” section. The 4-H Scholarship Committee will select the scholarship recipient(s) based on the information provided in these documents.
The completed application must be in the 4-H Office by Wednesday July 31st. Applications may be dropped off, mailed, faxed to 885-9078 or emailed to Greg at grs9@cornell.edu but must adhere to the July 31st deadline. Please verify that your application arrived at the 4-H Office by calling Greg at 885-8995. This year, it is unclear when the scholarships will be handed out. Recipients will be notified ASAP. Take the time to review the guidelines and submit an application. Please call the 4-H office if you have any questions.


Greg Stevens

Association Issue Leader

Click here for the 4-H Scholarship Form


Greg Stevens
Issue Leader and Assistant Director
518-885-8995 ext. 2210

Last updated June 19, 2024