Horse grazing in long grass.

Saratoga Horse Development Committee

CCE Equine is excited to launch a new Horse Development Committee in 2020. The purpose of this committee is three fold: 

1- Identify the needs of the Saratoga County equine community

2- Assist in developing educational opportunities for the local equine community partnered with CCE Equine 

3- Act as advisors/resources for local equine youth organizations such as 4-H.

Members of this committee represent the equine community in Saratoga and surrounding regions including veterinarians, business owners, feed representatives, equine enthusiast, leaders of equine youth groups and more. Meetings are held quarterly. If you have questions about this committee or volunteering for CCE Equine contact our coordinator Brieanna Hughes.

Upcoming with the Saratoga Horse Development Committee

Needs Assessment surveys:

  • Phone Surveys: Members of the Horse Development Committee will be administering phone surveys to the local equine community. This means you may be getting a call asking the following questions:
    • What are two struggles you face as an equine community member?
    • What are 2 resources you wish you had access to?
    • If CCE Equine offered classes or programs, what topics would you like to see?
    • Would you be interested in Webinars?
    • Would you like to have your mailing or email address put into our listserve. We use these to get out information about our upcoming events and opportunities.

If you are involved with the equine industry in anyway and would like to participate in this survey call our office at 518-885-8995 and ask for a CCE Equine representative. We ask that if you do get a call from us to please take the time to answer these questions. Your input if very valuable and the success of CCE Equine depends on it.

  • Internet Surveys: Following the phone surveys an internet survey will be developed and administered through email and our Facebook page. Once the survey is developed the link can be found here:

Last updated January 16, 2020