
Get Involved

Partner with us...

We welcome the participation of partner organizations, agencies, and individuals. It is through these partnerships that the framework of the PRISM is developed by assisting with the goals and advising the Capital / Mohawk PRISM.

Most partners are part of the list serve: the Cornell Cooperative Extension Invasive Species Program manages PRISM Listserves.Through the listserve, partners are kept up to date on regional and statewide information regarding invasive species. Partners are also invited to attend any of the PRISM meetings and to serve on any of the committees that focus on a particular initiative or specie.

Click here for a full list of our partners

Volunteer with us...

The Capital/ Mohawk PRISM provides volunteer opportunities to individuals or groups looking to get involved in early detection and locating invasive species. The PRISM uses the iMapInvasives data base system for collecting information and entering data. Trainings are given to prepare volunteers in identification and inventory collection. 

Stay up to date on all our events and training on our home page.

Be sure to join our e-mail list by emailing


Write "join" in the subject line

There are still plenty of opportunities to assist us in 2019 and we will be scheduling removal events for the 2020 season soon. We would love your assistance in combating these aggressive organisms, whether it's pulling water chestnut from your kayak or chopping down plants in the woods.

Last updated April 3, 2020