Mrs. Curren's 4H Happy Place

Mrs. Curren’s 4-H Happy Place

"In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught." 

(Baba Dioum, 1968.)

Mrs. Curren’s 4-H Happy Place is a place to extend the fun and learning usually experienced in the classroom… just in your home.

This 4-H Happy Place is designed with you and your family in mind. Everyone is welcome to participate. All programs are specially designed by Mrs. Curren to be age appropriate for elementary students with some adult help required at times.

Check our site regularly and stay tuned to our social media for announcements. Each offering will provide a multitude of learning options, levels, and a variety of included information ensuring a well-rounded, comprehensive learning experience for the whole family.

Families are encouraged to share their experiences while participating in Mrs. Curren’s 4-H Happy Place. Please send your photos and feedback directly to Mrs. Curren… and of course, direct any questions you may encounter.


Last updated January 31, 2024